Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store

Well, as told by my lecturer of intensive marketing course (which has been finished in 3 lessons for 8 hours each!), Trader Joe's, a localised American grocery store. Faced to the competitions from well-known grocery store "7-11", Trader Joe's made changes and differentiate himself from other grocery store. Trader Joe's lures the shoppers with novel and intriguing items. Trader Joe's does not rely on advertising. Instead, it uses a combination of outstanding employees, carefully selected merchandise, and attractives prices to draw in shoppers.

The employees those Trader Joe's selected are "ambitious, adventurous, enjoys smiling, adn has a strong sense of values." TJ's hires employees with ougoing personalities and a good sense of humor who commit to maing every customer experence fun. By the way, the store employees in TJ's are indeed the shopping consultants. The shopper is allowed to taste the foods by asking the cheerful store employees to unseal the food before they buying them. Store employees are encouraged to tell customer what they think of products, even ones they don't like. The store manager (called "Captains") have considerable autonomy in decidin gwhat their stores will stock. By instructing to the employees to please, to serve, to listen to the customers, this is the way the TJ's management implemented the "marketing concept".

All merchandise stocked in TJ's has been tasted and tested by the company's tasting panel. Also TJ's management concerns the quality of what they are selling, this is what "product concept" mentioned.

TJ's keeps costs down with low-rent locations, volume buying, and hard bargaining with suppliers, all to make attractive prices possible. Keeping the price down which the customer is affordable. "Production concept" is the idea that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable.

Thus, the marketing philosophy of TJ's adopted is the combination of "production concept", "product concept" and "marketing concept", where "marketing concept" takes the first priority in the business.

At the heart of TJ's success is an upward flow of informat from the customers through the store employees to the management. By formally monitoring what customers are buying and infomally tapping into what they are saying to employees, Tj's constantly adapts its offerings. This is the facts that TJ's adopted the market-oriented approach to marketing.

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